Галагазета | Will Daenerys Marry Jon Snow? And 12 More Game Of Thrones Questions
Will Daenerys Marry Jon Snow? And 12 More Game Of Thrones Questions
Wand, 20 июля 2016 г., 13:43
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By setting George R.R. Martin's narrative ablaze, Game of Thrones became a more enjoyable viewing experience. The pieces are finally moving into place for its epic endgame battle, and regardless of which side you're on, you have to admit that it's incredibly thrilling to watch it take shape. Of course, that doesn't mean David Benioff and D.B. Weiss are completely off the hook. We still have plenty of questions for Season 7. So let's find you some answers. 

1.	Will Jaime kill Cersei?
Short answer: yes. In order to understand why this makes so much sense, let's first let's deconstruct Maggy the Frog's ominous prophecy. ''You will wed the king.'' Cersei married Robert Baratheon after he usurped the crown from the Targaryen dynasty. So, check! ''Queen you shall be until there comes another, younger and more beautiful, to cast you down and take what you hold dear.'' Margaery Tyrell married King Joffrey and thereby became Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. So, again, check. ''Six-and-ten for him, and three for you. Gold shall be their crowns and gold their shrouds.'' King Robert was a notorious womanizer in King's Landing, and as we saw in Season 1, he sired a lot of bastards all of whom are now dead, except for one (Gendry). Cersei, however, gave birth to three children, and although they took the name Baratheon, they were biologically Jaime's children. Once again, Maggy the Frog nailed it.

2.	Is anyone actually prepared for winter? 

Despite its name, ''The Winds of Winter'' had zero ice zombies, which was a bit of a bummer for those of us who like the Night's King. But it did formally announce the start of winter, which can't bode well for the lords of Westeros. (Except for Lyanna Mormont, who seems to have things under control.) The War of the Five Kings really destroyed them. All that squabbling over the Iron Throne has left them approximately no time to prepare for winter, and from what we've heard, winters in Westeros can be long, dark, and brutal. Not to mention, winter is the perfect time for the White Walkers to strike and with Bran knocking on Castle Black's door, things don't look good for humanity.

3.	OK, but is anyone worried about the horde of White Walkers headed south? 

Again, everyone seems a little distracted at the moment to care about the army of undead that's headed their way, even Jon Snow, the newly appointed King in the North. In fact, the only person who has his priorities straight is Sam, who finally made it to the Citadel in Oldtown. We know he's there to look for anything that could help Jon in his fight against the Night's King. But he really better hurry. If Bran's mark could destroy the magical barrier protecting the Three-Eyed Raven, there's no telling what it could do to the Wall. Actually, wait, we know what it's going to do to the Wall: destroy it. 

4.	Where is Arya headed next? 

A girl named Arya Stark did work in this finale. She killed Walder Frey! She made a Frey pie! She got vengeance for the Red Wedding! But what's next? She may have crossed a few names off her list, but due to some recent resurrections, some names are back in play, including the zombified Ser Gregor Clegane and his brother The Hound. Not to mention, she still has Beric, Thoros of Myr, Melisandre, and Queen Cersei Lannister on her list. Since three of those names happen to A) be traveling together, and B) be headed North, it wouldn't be too surprising if Arya met up with the Brotherhood Without Banners in Season 7. And who could possibly crash her party? The Red Priestess Melisandre, who's headed south. She told Arya that they would meet again, and given what Melisandre knows about Jon, Sansa, and the undead, perhaps Arya will spare her life. 

5.	How annoyed is Sansa at Jon right now? 

If there's one conflict that I'm most interested in seeing play out in Season 7, it's the one currently brewing between Jon and Sansa in the North. It's not that Sansa wanted to be Queen in the North, but rather, she just wanted a little credit for Jon's win against Ramsay Bolton. Sure, Jon fought for House Stark on the frontlines, but it was Sansa who saved the day with the Knights of the Vale. Once again, Jon isn't listening to Sansa or giving her the credit she so rightfully deserves, and something tells me that this is going to be a major problem in the Great War to come, especially with Littlefinger planting ideas into Sansa's head. And now that we know Jon is the son of Lyanna Stark, his dubious claim to Winterfell is even weaker. 

6.	Has Littlefinger corrupted Sansa? 

What has Littlefinger not corrupted? It is obvious that Littlefinger is only on his own side. His impassioned plea to Sansa by the heart tree was just part of his master plan. A man of low birth, Littlefinger is thirsty for power and he thinks a marriage to Sansa Stark is the way to acquire it. Deep down, all he wants is to sit on the Iron Throne. But is he willing to betray all of the Starks, especially Sansa, to do it? Remember, he was the one who spearheaded Ned Stark's death in Season 1, so I would not doubt it. 

7.	Does Varys have a Time-Turner? 

No, Varys doesn't have a Time-Turner. (Those have been destroyed!) There's actually a logical explanation for how he traveled from Dorne to Meereen so quickly. According to executive producer Bryan Cogman, the timelines of the various stories on Game of Thrones don't necessarily sync up. So a week or so probably went by between that conversation with Lady Olenna, Ellaria Sand, and Varys in Dorne and Daenerys's armada setting sail for Westeros. And honestly, I don't mind it. Think about it: Do you really want to watch Varys on a ship for three episodes? I didn't think so. 

8.	How long will it take Sam to read every book in that library?

Sam is in Oldtown to learn more about how to stop the White Walkers, but there's a hell of a lot of books in that Citadel library and judging from Maester Librarian's poor record keeping, I highly doubt there's a library catalogue on hand. I hope you're a fast reader, Sam. All joking aside, it seems kind of obvious to me that Sam is the Neville Longbottom to Jon Snow's Harry Potter. Sweet Sam is destined to save the day in some remarkable way, but the nerd seems pretty hapless at the moment.

9.	How long will it take Daenerys to get to Westeros? 

Given the rate at which things are happening on Game of Thrones, I'd be shocked if Daenerys and her fleet don't make it to King's Landing midway through the seventh season. There's always a possibility that Dany and her dragons make a stop at the Iron Islands to deal with Euron Greyjoy and by ''deal with,'' I mean ''burn him alive.'' Although, I guess it depends on how quickly winter spreads across the realm, as snow and ice could slow her and her troops down. Let's not forget that in Season 2, Daenerys had a vision of the Iron Throne covered in snow.

10.	Who are the three heads of the dragon? 

In the books, Daenerys has a vision of Rhaegar in the House of the Undying. In it, he stands over a woman holding a newborn baby, claiming him to be the ''son of ice and fire.'' (Presumably, he was referring to his son with Elia Martell, Aegon ... or his son with Lyanna Stark, Jon Snow.) He also recites a thoroughly debated prophecy: ''The dragon has three heads.'' It's long been established that Daenerys is one of the three heads. As for the other two? It’s TBD, but Martin himself has confirmed that the three heads need not be Targaryens. Therefore, Tyrion's smooth encounter with Rhaegal and Viserion would suggest that he might very well be one of the three. How fitting would that be after his entire family laughed at him for wanting a dragon for his nameday? As for the third and final head, that's clearly Jon Snow. As we now know, he's got Targaryen blood in him. 

11.	Will Daenerys marry or kill Jon Snow to preserve the Targaryen bloodline? 

Targaryens were known for inbreeding. They wanted to keep their bloodlines pure. However, this had some unforeseen consequences, including madness. Since Daenerys seems to have marriage on her mind after ditching Daario in Meereen, it could make sense for her to align herself with the King in the North to defeat the Lannisters once and for all. (Although, it's not like the Lannisters have any allies left at this point. Walder Frey's death will surely be blamed on Jaime) 

12.	What is Bran's ultimate purpose? 

Without Bran, we would have never confirmed R+L=J and that information could be vital for Jon Snow's overall place in the Great War approaching. It seems pretty clear that Bran will do two things in Season 7: He will *accidentally* bring down the Wall, thereby allowing thousands of wights into the Seven Kingdoms, and he will make it to Winterfell and reunite with Jon and Sansa. There's a heart tree in Winterfell, and since that's the only way Bran can have his visions, Winterfell seems like a likely place for Bran to run. But poor Meera can't carry him there by herself, unless she steals a horse or two from the Night's Watch. Hopefully, Dolorous Edd will make it out of Castle Black alive and ride with Bran and Meera to Winterfell. Someone needs to tell Jon that he's the son of Lyanna Stark and a Targaryen  and Bran's the only one who.

Source: www.mtv.com/news/2898491/game-of-thrones-daenerys-marry-jon-snow-questions/
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