Галагазета | Top 5 Best Horror Movies
Top 5 Best Horror Movies
воовоовавч, 8 мая 2018 г., 7:11
Do you want a good scare? Do you want to know what movie to watch right now? Well, this is the article for you! Here are some of the best horror movies:

1. Annabelle.

Annabelle is based on a true story which is always scary on horror movies. The movie shows a man named Jon looking for the perfect gift for his wife Mia, but the perfect gift turned upside down as cultists try to summon a demon! then the devil possesed his wife's doll.

The real annabelle doll can now be found in the warrens occult museum inside a glass box.

2.The Conjuring.

The Conjuring is a story about a family whose haunted by a 'conjuring'. The family reached out to experts to help them but the problem turns out to be worse than is seems.

This movie actually scared me a lot and haunted me for so long.

3. The blair witch project.

The blair witch project movie is a found footage movie where three friends go into the woods to make a documentary about the blair witch, Which is a mythical creature that takes children. The movie shows students getting lost in the woods fighting each other and going insane weird stuff and mysteries happens to them every night.

This movie was so popular and scary because people actually believed it was true at that time, People were surprised about the ending credits because they genuinely thought it was true.

4. The Exorcist.

The Exorcist is a movie about an Exorcism based on a true story. Where a child starts acting weird, Her mother then notices. She was seeking medical help but then they find out that she's possessed by the devil they asked a priest for help the priest requested for an exorcism.

5. The Badabook.

The Badabook is a story about a kid who has a troubled mother and whose children's book is haunted. Monsters go out from his book. He makes weapons to fight these monsters, his mom didn't believe him about this but eventually does.

This one is a great story my favorite horror movie it's just messed up, and so creepy to be honest.

What are your thoughts about these Horror movies? Did these scare you? Leave a comment down below!
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