Галагазета | Anime about space
Anime about space
Lalka_Travilaf, 11 мая 2018 г., 8:49
Greetings, dear readers of the Newspaper! 

Today I will offer you several animated series about space. 

The Japanese, creating a similar animation, sometimes themselves are presented to us by people not from this planet. And what sometimes have them have yielded masterpieces! 

So, let's get to the review! 

1. Terraforming / Terra Forms

Before us is the story of the confrontation of humanity and, attention... cockroaches left earlier on Martian lands that mutated into humanoid super-creatures with incredible physical strength. 

In 2577, humanity sends to Mars a crew of 6 people who are faced with extraterrestrial life forms. Naturally, no one survived the crew. Then humanity is preparing a super-soldier to regain control of the red planet. 

Each super soldier is endowed with the power of a certain insect.
Can a person overcome a cockroach? The answer lies in the series.

2. Wanderers / Planets

If you like space romance, this anime series will be pleased.

They are the ones who risk their lives every day. They are professionals. In their hands the future of the space program. For some, their activities seem incredible, but not for themselves. They're space garbage collectors. 

In the anime painted the routine everyday life of these people. But that doesn't make it any worse. Cosmic daily life is a whole new subgenre of science fiction. When viewing the series is so imbued with the characters that by the finale it seems that this is not just someone's image, but a living person. The characters are multi-faceted and everyone wants to believe. 

The series addresses both domestic and global issues. Naturally, someone will find inaccuracies in the description of the details, but in General, the authors have tried to make the overall picture was reliable. 

3. Space brothers / Uchuu Kyoudai

This is the story of two brothers mutta and Hibito Namba, who as a child loved to record on film rare sounds of nature. They were lucky to see UFOs and even record the sound of the flying ship on film. Then the younger brother Hibito decided to become an astronaut and long and stubbornly behaved to its goal. He was able to join the team NASA, preparing for an expedition to the moon. His older brother mutta became a well-known automotive designer, but because of a quarrel with the authorities lost their favorite work and meaning of life. In the end, the younger brother almost realized his dream, and dreams of the older turned to dust.

Experiencing a midlife crisis, mutta tries to cope with the internal emptiness. Then the younger brother invites him to listen to the tape that they recorded as a child on the day when they saw UFOs.

Mutta remembered that I promised my brother to be one step ahead of him, and that if one would go to the moon, the second one will go to Mars.

And so, fate gave him the lucky ticket. One aerospace company organized a competition to recruit an expedition to fly to Mars.

Will mutta this contest and will the brothers meet, you will be able to learn when watching this anime series.

Author: Me. 
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