Галагазета | Devilman Crybaby Review
Devilman Crybaby Review
Pickles, 28 февраля 2018 г., 2:57
Картинка №719

I watch a lot of anime. I'm sure many people in here do too and I'm usually not one to binge anything. I'll watch an episode here and an episode there and all was fine until I came across this: Devilman Crybaby. I did the usual Wikipedia search among some spoiler-free reviews (which I pay little attention to) and I decided I would watch this....

And it was worth it. 

Картинка №720

To put it bluntly, Devilman Crybaby is a horror anime based on the Go Nagai manga, Devilman. It's about Akira, a high-schooler and not-so-talented track and field athlete and his friend Ryo, a university professor. Akira is meek, mild and he cries for just about anything whereas Ryo is cold and a bit direct. One day, Ryo invites Akira to a party, but he has sinister intentions in mind. He intends to insert the world's strongest demon, Amon, inside of Akira to prove that demons could have the heart of a human and at the same time, the body of a devil.

Картинка №721

What happens next is something I can only describe as surreal. The images alone could haunt you for a while and this show is definitely NSFW. Gratuitous violence and graphic sex is in abundance and every twist and turn in the story felt like a fresh wound to the body. 

I mean, images like a woman's breasts turning into demons and devouring humans is just one image that's somehow haunting and worth seeing. There are notes of social commentary within the story as in how humanity always attack something that is perceived as different; attacking the unknown just because it's different (as history shows, events like the Holocaust, Rwandan Genocide, etc). Human nature... It's fickle, to say the least. 

Картинка №722

Despite this being a show that feels like someone punched you in the gut once you get attached, this is by far one of the best anime I have ever watched. I can't think of any other anime that has given me the feels such as this one and I highly recommend it if you're a fan of horror and not easily offended... Because there are some touchy feely people out there who gets offended at the slightest of things. 


Source: Pickles 
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