Галагазета | Compilation of Funny Jokes
Compilation of Funny Jokes
The_Gamer, 12 мая 2018 г., 20:21
Do you want a good laugh? Do you want new jokes to share with your friends? Then this article will help you! Here are my compilation of funny jokes.

1. Britain Kittens

Q. What's a British cat's favorite fantasy book?

A. Hairy Pawter and the Philoso-purr's Stone.

2. Learning About Letters

"I would like vitamins for my son," a mother said. "Vitamin  A, B or C?" the pharmacist asked. "It doesn’t matter," the mother replied. "He can’t read yet."

3. Bloody Good Question

How can you ever be late for anything in London? They have a huge clock right in the middle of the town.

4. Do I Look Like a Short-Order Cook?

Wife: Do you want dinner?

Husband: Sure, what are my choices?

Wife: Yes and no.

5. The Past, Present and Future…

The past, present, and future walk into a bar. It was tense.

I hope you had a good laugh. Because I did. I believe that jokes and laughing makes our lives a little better. Have a good day!

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