Галагазета | Save Animals
Save Animals
g813538032, 8 мая 2013 г., 8:53
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In the nature everything is balanced and all the biotic and abiotic components are inter-related. Any change in the factors of the environment surely leads to the disturbance of the ecosystem which ultimately affects the living forms including human. But at present man is completely disturbing the natural sources which is affecting the flora and fauna. This results in an extinction of several components of ecosystem i.e. animal forms.

Being an educated and responsible citizen we must take a lead to save the animals by following general terms which are as follows.

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1. Be a compassionate citizen, save animals by focusing on specific animals, the general message of protecting endangered animals is conveyed through the slogans. With a slogan like "Panda Love," any of the endangered species which are trying to be protected by the campaign are interchangeable: "Bald Eagle Love," "Snow Leopard Love," "Tiger Love" and so on.

2. Report any instances of animal cruelty or neglect that you may witness. Neglect includes dogs that are constantly chained up or left alone in a yard or cats that are pretty much left to fend for themselves. Report stray or injured animals to your local animal shelter. If possible, pick up the animal yourself and call around to see if a rescue or no-kill shelter might have room before turning the pet into a city shelter. There are alternatives to city shelters including boarding facilities that will charge lower rates for rescued pets until homes are found for them and people who foster pets.

3. Many species are endangered today because of things like destruction of habitats, introduction of exotic species and over exploitation. You can help and save endangered animals by learning why they are endangered and volunteering your time or money to local or federal organizations that help endangered species. Organizations like the World Wildlife Fund have already brought many animals back from the edge of extinction. You can provide your own conservation efforts to help save the endangered species.

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4. Volunteer your time or donate money to local habitats. This will help you learn more about the endangered animals and give you the opportunity to take steps in preserving their habitat.

5. Be environmentally aware. Purchase products that donate a portion of proceeds to help save endangered animals and their habitats. Find out which large companies make donations to organizations such as the World Wildlife Fund and purchase their products. Avoid using products that use endangered animals or destroy their habitats.

6. Sadly, animal abuse is something that will always exist - especially since there aren't enough laws in place to protect animals and stiff enough penalties for animal abusers. However, people throughout the world are being made more aware of abusive practices toward animals via the Internet. 

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7. It may also be a good idea to single out specific species to protect through slogans. "Save the Whales" and "Save the Spotted Owl", etc. campaigns have worked in the past and they are very direct and to the point. However, there are many other endangered species that need slogans thrown behind their survival. "Panda Love" might work to protect certain animals we should be loving and taking care of and forget that we need to be making an effort to do so.

8. Share your love for animals and how to properly care for them with children and enlighten adults about abusive practices that we are generally kept in the dark about, so that one day it will be a kinder world for animals. 

9. Donate food, supplies, money and your time and support to local shelters/rescues and national or world animal protection organizations; encourage your friends and neighbors to do the same.

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10. Avoid purchasing products that were tested on animals and don't donate to organizations that do unnecessary animal testing. Don't support the fur industry, reduce the amount of leather you use and refuse to buy products made from real ivory. Don't attend circuses or rodeos that abuse their animals. Don't engage in or support hunting for sport. Attend circuses that don't use live animals at all. 

Author: Me
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