Lazarus, 23 июля 2019 г., 15:45
  Once again we were surprised by the ability of the internet to unite people in favor of collective causes. This time the world was shocked by a decision made by Facebook users.

  A user of the social network, proprôs the idea of September 20, the users gather together to invade the American military intalation that is located in the state of Nevada, with the aim of searching for alien beings.

  The installation never had its actual objective revealed, but it is believed to be a test area for the American aeronautics, where experimental aircraft are produced and also experimental weapons of advanced technology. But this area is best known in the world because of the thousands of conspiracy theories about aliens and unindentified flying objects.

  The event was shared so that its supporters would meet in front of the 51 area and invade it to make discoveries. Now news has come out that the movement has support from millions of people and this has given enough reason for the United States of America to feel threatened.

  According to news, the American government is already preparing for this possible invasion and a spokesman for the newspaper "the Washington Post" stated the following phrase: "The Air Force is ready to protect America and its resources!".

  With all this repercussion an author of the movement said in a post: "Hello, American government, this is a joke, and I do not intend to follow with this plan, just thought it would be funny and that would call the attention of the Internet."

  But since the world does not miss the opportunity to play with the situation, several "memes" were produced (images with humorous content), worldwide, especially in Brazil that was a huge podium of repercussions.

  Do you believe this threat is real? Will the American government suffer this threat? Let's wait for the next chapters of this story!

Thank you for your attention!@}
Khronus (Jotta)
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