Галагазета | Google Launches New Chrome Extension That Checks If Your Password Has Been Racked
Google Launches New Chrome Extension That Checks If Your Password Has Been Racked
kaioduartycost, 7 февраля 2019 г., 8:00
Have you ever had your password hacked or leaked in some major invasion? Well, if you use the most popular web services it is very likely that you had at least some stolen credentials out there - which forces us to change the combination. But what if you came back to figure among the logins that are in the hands of cybercriminals and do not you know?

Well, there are already software and online services, like HaveIBeenPwned.com, that check if your username is on the "committed list" - a database that takes into account all known big leaks. Now the Googlesurge with a similar solution, which does this automatically and gets embedded in the browser.

Once installed, Password Checkup has a database of more than 4 billion credentials committed to alert you if yours are among them. When the extension detects an insecure login, it issues a red alert for you to update your combination.

Google says extension can not reveal data checked

Okay, but here comes the main concern with this add-on: "So Google is spying on all my logins"? Well, just to avoid this kind of accusation, the company posted on its security blog the steps taken to check the data, which is summarized anonymously and encrypted in all four steps - and not even the Giant Searches know this information.

"We also designed Password Checkup to prevent an attacker from abusing the extension to reveal usernames and unsafe passwords. All statistics reported by the extension are anonymous. These metrics include the number of searches for an insecure credential if an alert leads to a password change and site compatibility to improve the web domain, "adds the company.

Source: chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/password-checkup/pncabnpcffmalkkjpajodfhijclecjno/related & Google.com
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