Галагазета | Excessive Consumption Of Alcohol Kills Quicker Than Smoking
Excessive Consumption Of Alcohol Kills Quicker Than Smoking
Wand, 24 октября 2012 г., 1:26
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Excessive consumption of alcohol kills quicker than smoking. This is suggested by researchers at the University Of Medicine Greifswald, Germany.

The study also reveals that alcohol is especially dangerous for women and that alcoholics die about 20 years earlier on average than the general person. This information is from the Daily Mail.

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Warning: Dependency on alcohol is particularly dangerous among women!

The team, led by John Ulrich studied data covering 14 years compared to 149 adults with alcohol problems.

They found that the mortality rate of women addicted to alcohol was 4.6 times higher than average. The mortality rate for men with alcohol problems was almost twice the rate for men who were not addicted.

The team suggests that the study is innovative because it analyzes the impact of alcohol dependencey over a long period. Previous research has highlighted the dangers of excessive alcohol consumption, but the results were largely based on clinical trials.

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Ulrich John

"First, we found that the annual mortality rates were 4.6 times higher for women and 1.9 times higher for males compared to the general population. Secondly, we found that the average age of death was 60 years for women and 58 for men, about 20 years less than the average of the general population." says John.

According to John, the results seem to show clearly that alcohol can cause premature death more so than smoking.

"Cases of death, related to smoking are more due to cancers that occur later in life. Moreover, the drink can also contribute to other risk behaviors such as smoking and obesity. Alcohol is a dangerous product and should be consumed only within the guidelines." concludes the researcher.

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Risk: Researchers found that adults who are dependent on alcohol die about 20 years earlier on average than the general population. (Picture posed by model)

Source: www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2218660/Heavy-drinking-kills-quicker-smoking-poses-greater-risk-women-men.html#ixzz29rCL5WFT
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