Галагазета | Blocking of Characters
Blocking of Characters
g504002056, 18 мая 2016 г., 12:44
Never do a fraud with Galaxy

There are many people who are blocked due to many reasons like flooding, spam, abuse and fraud. Out of these four, the blocking due to fraud is most dangerous. Many people do fraud with Galaxy and are blocked and these users cannot be unblocked. These accounts are blocked mostly by the developers.

The fraud that one should not do is hacking of any server component to get resources like c.u., authority, pets, etc. If someone finds a bug in Galaxy, or has found a method to hack it, they should report it to the developers or 'I have found a mistake' section of the Support System. If this is a critical bug, Galaxy will provide you a special privilege called Pirate Privilege.

Pirate: The Galaxy users who found a critical bug in the app and helped in eliminating the bug.

So if you find any hack or you find someone trying to do that, please report the same to Support System.

Author: Me.
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