Галагазета | A Real Fairytale
A Real Fairytale
g948044901, 28 июля 2016 г., 11:12
I find my heart searching for something to hold. Certain I'll never find what it is I seek. I suddenly find my breath now stolen, taken by your beauty. My soul now bound by your sad, soft heart. My heart captured by your sweet kind words. 

My world now changing in the blink of your eyes. In the blink of my eyes suddenly, you're gone. Hours that become days... turn into weeks... into lonely months. I tried moving forward in finding love, a place to be mine. All left me cold, unable to truly love, I push them away. Not knowing why I can't love, when I've given my best.

Like a voice from above, I hear the whisper of your name. My breath catches, my soul stirs, my heart beats again. Afraid to believe, but dying to know... is it you my angel? Your return my salvation, breathing life to my soul. My heart beats steady, as I join my hand to yours. Confident to know I have that which I seek... MY KNIGHT, MY ANGEL, MY MILAD MY LOVE

Author: Kiki (Peeps)
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