Галагазета | Happy Anniversary Anu
Happy Anniversary Anu
g324703340, 9 февраля 2014 г., 7:50
"On the 25th of January, 2013, we got married in Gala..."

Картинка №220

Love holds many wonders in life. None less are the wonders for love in Galaxy, and this is one of those stories which leaves our Galaxy beautifully coloured. The short story that I'm going to narrate is true, an outcome of a humble request from a lovely lady. Let's hear.

They are from Bangladesh, a neighbouring country of India, and wait, they are from the same city! Lucky guys! So, it all started with our lady buying a planet and working hard to make it popular! Sound familiar? Anyway, then 'he' came to her planet and received a supervisor's star. This 'I am looking for some fun guy began kicking all the users out of the planet! How irksome!

As might be expected, he got demoted right away. He was so upset and embarrassed that he left the planet swearing never to return. Sad. He did return after a couple of days. She gave back his star and begged not to kick people from her planet. And he obeyed like a child. Now that's cute.

One day they happened to meet on a mafia game planet. Our good lady had no idea what the game was all about, and yes her role was the mafia itself. Guess what happened next. Other players enquired about the mafia and she admitted. Now this boy was roaring with laughter at her. Pay back time! Hehe.

He eventually taught her to play the game and what followed was an era of great friendship. This crazy boy turned rather sweet, caring and adorable. She remembers her first Gala snapshot captured by him.

Then, one day, she was upset because of her real life complications. He showed up and asked what the matter was. He tried to cheer her up. Now this guy had a crush on her and she was really sad. All the sentimental talk stirred his emotions, followed by a typical proposal. With some hesitation he said the three magical words. She asked for some time to think about it.

Now our hero began to follow her to every planet she would go to. Staying away, he would keep mailing her. Clever boy. Then, even she started to fall for him. "I told him that". He was very happy that day. I talked to him on my mobile for the first time.", she says. Love was certainly in the air.

Картинка №221

Then they got engaged in Galaxy, and on 25th of January, 2013 they finally got married. But this was just the beginning for the couple. They brought their love out of Galaxy to their real lives. What else can you expect, if your Galaxy sweetie  is from your city! "After getting him my life is fulfilled with happiness.", she says. Wow! They stood with each other through thick and thin. Alike any other couple they too had fights, but they never parted. "He knows very well how to convince me.", she says. Responsible guy, I would say.

Картинка №222

"I want to get my story published in Galapaper someday." Mrs. Anik(Asha), our lady, said to me seeking my help. I happily accepted. Through this she also wanted to thank her friends who stood by her at difficult times.

A last few words from `Mrs`Anikkk` to Anikkk- "Love my Anu a lot. Want to celebrate my anniversaries with my hubby till my death. Just want him always with me."

Картинка №223

By: Me. 
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