Галагазета | Truely Madly Deeply
Truely Madly Deeply
[Maro], 9 августа 2013 г., 3:46
Yesterday I got a message from [A]lessandr[A] asking me to write an article to surprise her love Arfat`. Here is the text by Alessandra.

Картинка №172

I am not good at writing anything like you Arfat, but I will try. Those two years with you were a bit confusing, crazy and contained some mistakes from both sides, I admit that I have made more mistakes.

I don't know what to say about the most beautiful person I have ever seen in my life. I can't find the words to describe you, in the way you are capable of making me feel good even when I am sick. Even if the whole world was falling down on me, when you hold my hand I would forget it all..

Картинка №173

From the beginning,you were my best friend, and I should also admit I fell in love with you during our first chat O:}. As it is virtual, it was hard to believe that this was really happening, but I had to tell you truth about my feelings. I was so happy that you also felt the same way. I was also so happy to have you as my best friend and my biggest love. You made me feel like the luckiest person in the world and you still do;). I have to thank God for making you mine, and for meeting you for even a little while, in which you changed the way I looked at life. I have to thank you too Arfat, for being so good to me. I need to apologize for hurting you so many times, as I was trying to forget you but I couldn't, I was killing my own heart instead.

I have always cried and wanted you, the last few days were so hard for me without you being near me to give me strength, and since we are back together now, I don't want to lose you ever again. I would accept it though for your happiness.

I feel sad for all the pain I caused you, maybe this changed you a little bit. I miss the fafat who used to sing for me to sleep, the one who slept while calling me, and dreamed and planned for the future with me. I made this change in you because I left you many times. And the last lines are:
I am crying while writing you this text, I want to see you happy Arfat, wherever you are and whoever you are with. I just want you to be happy, you deserve the best of everything and you are the best person I have met in my life. I love you!

Картинка №174

Alessandra loves Arfat truely, madly and deeply, I wish them all the best.()

Author: Me.
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