Галагазета | Prithvi Loves Bhoomi Chapter 1
Prithvi Loves ^Bhoomi^ Chapter 1
[Minx], 12 июля 2013 г., 11:05
The talkative guy!

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The Morning of December 8th was the same as any other morning of the past few weeks. Yes, the pain of a harsh breaking-up was still there in my chest. I was starting to think, do I really love him?

I enter Galaxy and start browsing around some planets, I guess some part of me wanted to see him and kick him to prison, but lucky him, I can't find him anywhere. I'm getting a little tired, bored and lonely. So, I thought to myself, what is the best way to take out your anger in Galaxy than Mafia.

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A lot of users were already there when I entered one of the most well known mafia planets, Mafia_wars. I had been spending most of my time here lately so I'm no stranger here.

We had already played a few games when a guy named Prithvi flew in. It"s hard not to notice him because he was super-talkative. He gave some hugs here and there and started chatting with his friends.

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Another game was created. Lucky me I get to be a mafia. We decided to kill the talkactive-guy first. In the next game I got to be mafia again and we killed him first again, and again. By the 3rd or 4th time we killed him there were only a few of us left to play, so we called it a day and ended it.

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I flew back to my planet, checked my notification, it was the talkactive-guys friend request, I accepted it and decided to write a whatsup note. A guy flew in in my planet, it was Prithvi. "Lady Mafia, what are you doing"? That was the first thing he said to me. I replied saying "Nothing, just writing some whatsup note" trying to sound as brief as I could. We started chatting up on the usual-normal routine conversation.

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That was the first time I met my love, Prithvi.

Thanks to Prithvi and ^Bhoomi^

Author: Me
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