Галагазета | Tutorial How To Make An Attractive ArticleBlog
Tutorial: How To Make An Attractive Article/Blog
Karan`, 16 октября 2012 г., 10:02
I'm going to give you some tips to make an article attractive to read.

Are you wondering why your article/blog is not popular enough? Though it has good content. Do you check weather it is readable? Is it effective to read? If not, then this article may help you.

1. Keep a habit to give an Introduction and Finish line.

2. Introduction should give readers a brief about the article/blog, and Finish line should have a conclusion.

3. Divide the content into sections.

4. Each section may have a Heading. Heading may be highlighted with Caps.

5. Try to break sections into paragraphs.

6. Use a "< br >" tag (without spaces) to break lines.

7. Pictorial way for writing is an Effective method. Hence it is adviced to use some illustrative photos in articles, if it's required. (Note: Only in GalaPaper articles photos can be added, blogs don't have this feature)

8. Use a "[ photo ]# [/photo ]" tag to have a photo attached to your article (without spaces). Where # is a number of photo, which you have already added in your article.

9. Don't forget to show some courtesy to the original author and the source, from where this article is adapted or inspired.

10. In addition to all above, one can provide source links, where reader may get more details about such information.

I hope you got all points cleared. I assume, you all will try to incorporate at least some of above points in your next article or blog. Enjoy writing.

Upcoming Article would be about tips to avoid bad writing.

If you have any doubts about photo attachment in article or anything else, you can ask me for clarifications.

Author: Me
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