Галагазета | Changes In Rules Of Punishments
Changes In Rules Of Punishments
zak_D, 1 сентября 2015 г., 13:34
Dear friends! 

We never did it before, but the time has come, and we should announce it right away. We made serious changes to the rules of punishments given for violations of GalaConstitution.

More detailed information will appear later, as the new rules haven't come into effect yet. On top of that, even our respected Moderators don't know about them yet. 

So, here are a few most important things you should be informed of today.

1. We have to stop promotions of Moderators due to the new rules. Temporarily. Current Moderators obviously need time to get used to them. Most probably we will wait for 1-2 periods and welcome new Moderators again.

2. As of today, you will no longer receive messages informing you whether your report was accepted or declined. We were thinking a lot about this for quite a long time, and finally decided to eliminate them. Those who send reports usually forget about them in a few minutes, but those users who were reported get punished for much longer. Basically we don't want to encourage users to report inoffensive things.

3. Last but not the least, we changed punishments terms. Some of them are now shorter, some are longer. Anyway, here is what we have now.

Foul language - 1 day

Abuse and physical intimidation - 2 days

Flood and spam - 1 day

Cheat, blackmail, fraud - 14 days  

Pornography, violence, drugs, racism, Nazism, terrorism - 3 days

Advertising of other Internet sites - 14 days

Selling/purchasing - 14 days

We believe these changes will make your social experience more comfortable. 

Please be respectful when chatting on Galaxy and remember that inappropriate behavior will not go unpunished. 

Have a good day!
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