Галагазета | Lily's Neighbors (Part II)
Lily's Neighbors (Part II)
g338716980, 14 июня 2016 г., 11:54
Something changed, it was a terrible change.

After waking up Lily found herself pondering on the same question. How did she end up in her room? Her mom said she came back from there and went straight to her bedroom. But then why didn't she remember any of it.

She was feeling thirsty so she headed towards the kitchen. The thirst was becoming unbearable. She opened the fridge door to take a bottle. She gulped down the half of it but it couldn't quench her thirst. Soon she started feeling more and more thirsty, and deep down she knew it wasn't for water. The doorbell rang, when she opened the door she met with two unfamiliar faces. One of them was a tall woman with stunning silver hair and midnight sky eyes, she was in her thirties. Beside her was a boy with chocolate brown hair and green eyes with specks of golden in it. Lily didn't fail to notice the mischievous glint in them. He was almost the same age as her or a few years older.

The womфn started 'You were in our house this morning. We thought you should know about it, Lily, that it's not a good habit to search people's houses. We want peace, I hope you can understand that and give us a little privacy.' With that, she stormed out of their porch. The boy kept staring at her for some moments before saying,'You life won't be the same anymore.' With that he also left, leaving a confused and afraid Lily behind. She shrugged mentally drowned in anxiety.


Her thirst was somehow submerged by those two, but again it was threatening to rise. She had to do something. She stepped outside. The mild summer breeze hit her face. It was evening. Her mom was out to run some errands and her dad never returned this early. In between her thoughts she saw something moving far, when she got close to inspect it was a someone. A man with dirty clothes, he seemed suspicious and familiar. She saw him before, but she could not pinpoint where. Then she realized it. She saw him yesterday on a poster. He was a wanted thief. The man looked menacingly towards her before taking two steps in her direction. His one hand went to his left pocket of jeans to pull out a metal wire. The silver material glistened under street lights. She was smart enough to process the latter. She ran in the opposite direction but the man yanked her by her leg and she fell to the ground. He stretched the wire, aiming at her neck and then silence.

One of them died. The body hit the ground with a thud. Lily brushed the dirt off her dress and went to her house. When her parents returned, there was a commotion. The locality was filled with ambulance and police cars. They panicked for their daughter but relief washed over their features when they saw her watching TV, no worries.

During dinner her mother noticed two bite marks on her neck and asked Lily about them, she waved the topic by saying, 'It's nothing mom, probably an insect bit me here.' Then her parents started taking among them about the murder. They also warned Lily not to wander off at night. 'Honey, we didn't want to inform you but today a person is murdered here. He was a wanted criminal, police was searching for him. They don't know what exactly happened or who murdered him. There was no evidence, or wound in his body. Just two streaks of blood trickling down his neck,' her mom finished. Her dad continued, 'And that's why you shouldn't roam around, it's not safe anymore. They told us to keep an open eye. The murderer is still on the loose.'

Lily finished her meal, stood up and smiled in their direction. 'I think I'm capable to take care of myself, okay goodnight mom and dad.' Lily left the kitchen for her bedroom, feeling satisfied. Her thirst was quenched, but not for long...

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