Галагазета | After You're Old Enough Every Time Thinks Like This.
After You're Old Enough Every Time Thinks Like This.
Mr-bestie^4r-u, 10 мая 2016 г., 11:01
I feel and remember how after turning 24 or some time last year, it slowly dawned on me that I was finally an adult and that I’m pretty much going to be on my own. I’m aware that I sort of matured slower than other people, and well, whatever – I’m just a kid at heart, you know?
Here are a few things that made me realize I was no longer a kid: 

1. Some of the Olympic athletes I’ve been rooting for are younger than me, and some songs I like are by people who are younger than me. It’s just weird, man. All of my life, I’ve always looked up to people on TV who were always older than me if not the same age. And now, they’re getting younger? They’re practically babies, geez.

2.Everything makes me sleepy and I want to nap all the time nowadays. I’m sure a part of it has to do with not exercising regularly, but still, as a kid I was always on the go.  I was either running all the time, playing TV tag or just dancing to the Spice Girls nonstop. Now, it’s really tough to push myself to be more active because napping feels nicer.

3. I don’t care for social events or fitting in. From elementary school all the way to community college, I’ve always tried really hard to fit in and be a part of the cliques I’ve always thought were cool. I wanted to make “cool” friends and have someone to take “cool” MySpace pictures with, really bad!

These days, I’m happy with the close friends that I have and I’m not really using anymore “friend applications”. Also, I dress really normal now. I stopped going shopping. I adore fashion but I don’t dress up to try to impress people anymore unless we’re talking about a job interview. I don’t know if this is a good or a bad thing.

4. I really want to get a cat or a dog! This doesn’t mean you can’t be “young” to take care of a pet, but for me, I never really wanted a pet until now.  I’m old enough to accept the responsibility and I want to take care of something as long as it’s not an actual human baby.

Author: Me 
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