Галагазета | Pain and money
Pain and money
Lalka_Travilaf, 14 мая 2018 г., 7:30
I used to come home from work. The day was challenging, working vanity not give rest the entire shift. Tired I didn't notice how I hurt a person with my car. 

Quickly leaving the car, I rushed to help the wounded. It was an old man in ragged clothes. 

- Excuse me, are you all right? - I apologized, helping up to grandpa. 

- Nothing, it's all right, - an extinct voice he answered. I rather helped him get in the car to take him to the hospital. 

On the way I spoke to him:

- Now I will take you to the hospital and call traffic cops to fix the accident. 

- Should not create problems for yourself. 

- Then I'll take you home after the hospital. 

- I don't have a place to live. My apartment burned down, my wife died in childbirth of the second child, and children don't wish to babysit now the old man. 

The rest of the road we drove in silence. After reaching the hospital, I sent the old man to the doctor, and he was waiting for his return. It took about an hour, during which time I managed to smoke a couple of cigarettes and a dinner bun with yogurt that I bought at the store nearby.

- Well, I'll live, but will have to sit out here for a few days. Well, at least the documents with insurance are all in the hands, smiled the old man.

- How is your foot? Hurt? - I asked.

- Pain, not leg. Heart ache - the cheek of the old man swept a tear. 

I did not know what to do in this situation. Pulling from his jacket pocket a five-thousandth bill, I in spite of the protest of the old man put his money in hand. I do not know how his fate will continue, but I hope that the native children will take pity on him. 

Not too lazy, I found his daughter. She was shocked to hear the story. It turns out that the kids are looking for the old man for the second day. He left home and never came back. And Alzheimer's made it worse. And then I was upset about the abandoned five thousand rubles. Nobody reimbursed me for the money.

Author: Me.
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