Галагазета | Cat
Lalka_Travilaf, 16 мая 2018 г., 7:28
The working day came to an end. Marcus last left his office and went home.
The weather was warm and absolutely not typical for November.

Walking along the road, he thought about the accumulated problems: his beloved wife recently died in a plane crash. Here she was, and then she's gone. At work complete all hands on deck, but the only thing that helped him to escape from heavy losses. Friends repeatedly asked him to vanish, to go to a bar, get drunk, meet some lady who could help him drown out the emotional pain, but he remained true to his conscience. His character was complex, but solid, like a man of honor, and this is one reason why he attracted the attention of Mariel, which the choice could fall only on a man.
They soon got married, but less than two years as she died in the crash - the plane refused all engines, nothing could be done.


When he reached the supermarket, which was near his home, Marcus noticed a black kitten, hiding in the corner, between the threshold and the wall of the store. Opposite him stood the bully, throw in a small lump stones. Marcus without hesitation gave a good kick to the villain, who screamed in surprise and ran away.

The kitten continued to move back into the corner. Then Marcus turned to him: ''I won't touch you, don't be afraid of me.'' Coming closer, he stroked the frightened animal. Kitty leaned forward and Marcus gently took him in his arms. The fluffy ball had blue as the sky eyes. He seemed so painfully, but enough very much alive. Marcus remembered deep as the ocean blue eyes of his beloved. On his cheek rolled down a tear. Hiding a kitten in his bosom, he went to the supermarket where he bought milk.

Returning home, he first fed the hungry cat, he timidly approached the bowl and began to lap up the offered treat.


So passed three months. Marcus did not notice that his spleen was replaced by warmth, and the kitten recovered from the shock and found a new host and other.


Past year.

The streets were often covered with white snow. January frosts tickled falling asleep passers-by.

Marcus came home from work again. Going to the supermarket, he bought milk for his cat.

Leaving the shop, he shifted the change in his purse. A bystander pushed him and stabbed in the stomach then pulled all the valuables and quickly left the empty street. A warm trickle of blood ran down Marcus ' coat. That's a coincidence, he recognized the bully who abused kitten, whom he has taken.


The cat was sitting on the doorstep of the house where he lived with his master. Animal instincts told him that his friend is in trouble. Leaping over the gate, the cat went to the side of their first meeting, where he noticed as his master on a stretcher raised in the ambulance. 


Marcus was being taken away by ambulance. Heavy eyelids fell, though he did not want to fall asleep. In my head spun only one thought: ''I'll be right back, buddy, just wait.''
The hospital was five hundred meters from the supermarket, and it's a miracle that the ambulance stopped to save a person.


Opening his eyes in the house, Marcus tried to get up. Seeing this, the nurse who was there said, ''Please don't get up, you can't yet.''

''Waiting for me at home, my cat, my dear friend!'' - with alarm in voice croaked Marcus in the answer.

''I'll ask the doctor when you can get up,'' said the nurse with a smile and left the room.

He's not waiting for her return, went to the window. Approaching closer, he heard a familiar meowing behind the window of the second floor, on the white canvas of snow, sat the cat, with blue as the sky eyes and looked into the eyes of Marcus.

Author: Lalka_Travilaf
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