Галагазета | Nightmares nearby
Nightmares nearby
Lalka_Travilaf, 16 мая 2018 г., 7:31
Saturday night Max, sitting in the kitchen in his apartment, heard strange sounds. The house in which he lived, consisted of a stone building, the sound insulation which was not the best. 

Listening, he heard a stifled rattle; his mind immediately came up with the idea, like somebody being strangled. The sounds lasted about a minute, but he couldn't sleep all night. Him and then come to mind very restless thoughts.

In the evening of the next day the same picture repeated, but already from other party of the apartment. Max knew that this side lived a harmless old woman and two months that he lived in the apartment, nothing like this has happened. 

Sensing something was wrong, he closed flat on an extra lock. Deciding to wash up, Max walked over to the tap; turning it, he jumped from the sink - tap Tek bright red blood. The kitchen was filled with the stinking smell of decaying flesh. 

Anxiety gave way to panic. Max was hurrying to dial the police number. The phone was heard ringing. Someone picked up the phone.

- Help! In my apartment is happening damn it! - not waiting for him answer, he croaked into the phone. 

- Max, Your nightmare is just beginning, ' replied the mysterious voice on the end of the wire. 

Frightened, the guy hung up, bounced off of the phone. 

''Another such shock, I will not stand'', - flashed in his head.

Returning to the kitchen, he saw that from the sink water running, and a strange odor as if there was. 

The next morning Max walked over to the mirror and saw your tired face. Not sleeping for almost two days is something new. Out on the street, he didn't notice anything unusual. The people of his house didn't do anything in the yard. 
Having breathed fresh air, he returned in apartment. In the hallway, in front of the door to his fortress, he heard strange sounds coming from his apartment. Listen, the guy heard an awful moaning. The compressed voice asked for help. The apartment door was not locked, although Max himself had locked it. He opened the door and the sounds behind it immediately stopped, and he saw nothing supernatural. After going through the apartment, Max carefully examined all of the room - visible changes he noticed. After a minute, the strange owner of the apartment locked the door. Closing the last lock, he heard loud footsteps on the landing-someone deliberately stomped and made chomping sounds. Max looked through the peephole and watched in fascination a few minutes. What he saw struck him - the corridor went naked girl. She had her back to the door and shifted from foot to foot, then abruptly turned and jumped to the peephole. Max again jumped back from the door, as the girl's face was mutilated, or rather, it was a bloody mess with two dozen razor-sharp teeth.
Hurt hit tucked behind the hanger, Max went to the balcony to breathe fresh air. The door to the balcony closed and locked the door. Through the open curtain he could see several vague shapes. The picture before him horrified him: two or three male figures beat up a woman. However, the picture has changed - the female silhouette took a different form and began to tear the offenders slowly removing pieces from each. The screams were heard. They were so loud that Max didn't understand how neighbors didn't hear them. In his the eyes of went black. 

He woke up in the morning on the balcony, the door was unlocked, the room no signs of a struggle. Rummaging through the Internet, the frightened young man searched for the article on exorcism. After going to the store, he brought several candles bought in the nearest Church, a couple of bottles of Holy water and a hardcover Bible. 

Evening came, nothing happened. Max was about to go to bed, when the doorbell rang. Approaching the door, he looked through the peephole on the court, right in the middle, hung a body, apparently hanging from a chandelier. Having closed eyes, Max thought, that him again it's a miracle, but having looked in peephole the second time, he saw the same picture. Opening the door, he saw that the body is suspended to the chandelier, and lying next to the overturned chair. Looking at the face of the corpse, remembered that one of his neighbors. Calling the police, Max told law enforcement officers about everything that happened to him in recent days.

After a month. 

In the door of the room knocked on the nurse.

- Time to take medication, my dear, - as a friend, said the nurse. 

I'm not crazy! - desperately answered Max, looking at naked girl with a bloody mess instead of a face, which stood behind the good-natured nurses.

Author: Lalka_Travilaf
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