Галагазета | A Letter From A Girl Who Cares
A Letter From A Girl Who Cares
}KICKER{, 22 июля 2016 г., 5:56
Dear Boys,

Why would you want to stay, if she wants to leave?
Why are you still holding on, if all she ever wanted is to let go?
Why would you cry, if she already smiles? 
Why would you wait, if she already left? 
Why would you still try to make it work, if she insists on breaking it apart? 
Why wouldn't you just love yourselves more, guys? 

Sometimes you need to let go, when all that she gives is pressure. 
Sometimes you need to take a break if your relationship only gives you toxic. Sometimes you yourself need a chance to let yourself be happy again. 
It's not that you don't love her. 
It's because that's what meant to be. 
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