Галагазета | A Hearticulation Of Some Sort
A Hearticulation Of Some Sort
g570145294, 4 мая 2017 г., 4:12
A week ago there's this person who wanted me to read her trial articles because she is applying for a GalaPaper Reporter position. As I was checking it, I saw a comment from this guy who's badly criticizing her work. 

This article is not just about that though. I'd like to talk about the daily Galaxy happenings in general.

In an online application where you have the freedom to post anything you want, I hope you still consider pausing, and thinking things through. Remember that what you see as a joke is most of the time taken seriously by the person it's about. And just because you were given an unlimited amount of words to use doesn't mean they shouldn't be chosen wisely.

Wouldn't it be nice to choose kindness over being right? To know your limit — what lines to and not to cross?

Don't be a bully. It's not cool. You know what's cool? Being good. Talking or requesting or asking questions in a nice way. Complimenting people. Understanding your differences and helping each other out. That's really effin cool. Could you imagine if that's the norm? This would be the coolest place to be!

Be kind with your words. Be kind with those you choose to say them to. Be kind, always.
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