Галагазета | Sympathy for the Dead
Sympathy for the Dead
Pickles, 28 апреля 2017 г., 11:29
We are born, we live and we die. That's how life goes. Whenever someone dies, we shed tears for them because they're gone. We have sympathy for those who pass, but what if that person was heinous in character, like for instance nobody would ever have sympathy for a dictator like Hitler or Stalin. I'm not saying you should have sympathy for them, but I'm saying some people don't.

And that's why my heart is conflicted. A few days ago, on Thursday 20th April 2017, a body was found under a steel roofplate with multiple stab wounds and determining by the smell and state of the body, it has been there for a couple of days. This boy's name was Ricky and he lives a few houses down from me.

Now usually you would see this as a tragedy and it is, but does he deserve sympathy? He moved with his grandma from a violent area when he was younger because she didn't want him to get involved with the wrong people. As he got older, he became involved with the wrong people anyway. He got involved with the gang life, hurt people, did drugs and showed no respect for his elders. The thing is, he was fine with me and showed me respect, so I'm having conflicting feelings over his death.

Do you pay respect to someone who showed respect for you or do you condemn that person because of the way they lived their life? I haven't found an answer to the question yet. Have you?
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