Галагазета | Have You Crushed On Someone?
Have You Crushed On Someone?
Belle, 13 января 2016 г., 5:02
Have you ever crushed on someone? I'm sure you have. Some people think it's the best experience but others keep saying it's always terryfing. We all know how different we are when fall in love. Of course, we act unusual way and do strange things.

 Картинка №292

Here are tips to recognize you crushed on someone completely!

=*()*= You experience "Butterflies in your stomach". Some scientists say it happens because of adrenaline. Anyway, you usually don't care why it happens, you just like feel butterflies fluttering inside of your stomach.

=*()*= You analyze everything too much. You do it all time trying to find out why your lover said something you dind't expect, acted different way and you want to know about all things he does. You mastered your analytical skills. Congratulations!

=*()*= You have happiness which comes from nowhere. You don't even know what makes you so happy, you just keep thinking of your crush. It makes you more happy and joyful. Isn't it great?

=*()*= You have conversations with your lover. Imaginary ones! You want to make sure you're ready for real conversations with him or her.

=*()*= Have you ever taken some strange online quizzes like "Love compatibility of zodiac signs" or maybe used "Fortune teller" in Galaxy? Don't worry. You're not alone.

=*()*= You are jealous as never before. You definitely like that person if you go jealous when he talks about someone else he/she might like.

=*()*= Do you blush while talking to your crush? Do you want to know if he is single or not?

=*()*= You probably talk a lot with friends about your crush, about every single interaction you had together before.

Don't be shy to love and be loved. Tell me what do you do when crushed on someone.

 Author: Me
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