Галагазета | Effective Communication
Effective Communication
Belle, 15 января 2016 г., 13:12
I want to share some notes what I have from my professor of communication studies in the university. I think it is going to be useful for you to know. Here are some tips for successful communication. 

Картинка №290

1. When you are a listener, you have to be sensitive while other person is talking to you and notice his body language and points he is highlighting. For example, humor and analogy. For good communication you need to be an active listener. That way other person can know you're interested in what he is talking about. Try to encourage a person. Don't use "hmm", "yeah", "yes" all time. Instead, you can say "I can understand your point" or try to give an appropriate feedback.

2. Friendliness is an important key. Try to show your friendliness through smiles and honest communications. Be engaged in friendly conversations with other people.

3. Use "Empathy". What does it mean? It is OK to disagree with other person's point of view, but you need to show respect to all what he was talking about. Everyone has their perspectives and you never know what's in other people's mind. Be sensitive to their ideas and values.

4. Clarify! Always ask other people clarifying questions: "Who?", "When?","How?", etc. Be ready to summarize all ideas in your mind.

5. NO Jargon! Never use a jargon language if you want to be effective communicator in formal relations and try to make simple points. 

Картинка №291

I hope you like this short summary from my professor's speech. Thank you.

Author: Me
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