Галагазета | School Or A Health Disaster?
School Or A Health Disaster?
g889551512, 26 июля 2013 г., 9:30
As we all know, school is a big part part of our lives. Most of our childhood was spent in schools, but apart from learning, is school a good or a bad thing?

There are a few reasons why schools have been described as "sick buildings" and not just by rebelious children. Here are the reasons why they have been called that.

The first reason is actual sickness. It takes 48 to 72 hours for a virus to spread through the body, but the host is also contaminated without knowing it. Children, even teachers and professors throw away used tissues in the bin and some on the floor. The cleaning personnel have to clean them and they get infected. In the meantime kids all over the school step, trip or fall on them and get infected.
How to stop it! First of all don't throw the used tissues in the bin or on the floor, put them in your pocket and avoid contact with people during the days you are coughing or sneezing. When you get home remove them, wash the clothes and throw the tissues in the bin.

The second reason is the physical education locker rooms or changing rooms. The place many boys and girls have been humiliated, but that's not the point.
Many schools don't have showers so, sweaty and dirty children often go around spreading bacteria or going outside during winter months covered in sweat. All those sweaty shirts, socks, etc. are worn sometimes during the whole day, that makes matters even worse.
How to stop it! In case the school doesn't have showers children should always after PE change their clothes, completely, after toweling of course. In schools where there are showers, every child should shower and wear new clothes and not the sweaty used ones. Of course bringing your own soap helps, who knows who used the same school soap that you are about to use?

The third reason is food. Most children don't wash their hands before eating and who knows what they will put in their mouths? Having a secured food supplier is the first thing every school should have. And the second is reminding kids about washing their hands before eating. The main problem is that teachers and professors just don't care.
How to stop this! Every parent or guardian should give his/her child dry hand wash. "What's that?" you might ask. It's liquid anti-bacterial soap that can be used without water. In case the parent or guardian can't buy that, they should remind their child about the negative results of not washing their hands.

These three reasons hold 60% of disease infection among students. Save your childrens health and yours.

Author: Me
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