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Have I?
[Minx], 13 мая 2013 г., 3:24
Have I?

Картинка №117

The blaze of the Sun hits the sky, turning the bright blue sky into a burning red. Warming the earth, giving its last love of the day to us. And it made me wonder, have I ever loved someone that much, have I ever given my all to someone or anything? Have I sacrificed something to someone without asking anything in return? They say "a day without LOVE is a day wasted". Have I wasted most of my days? Haven't I always thought for myself? Without love there is no purpose, and nothing is worth living. For Love everything became worth fighting for. Bible said "Love is kind, love is patient and loves endures all". When was the last time I'd been kind to someone or anything. When was the last time I'd shown patients toward someone or something, don't I get angry all the time when things don't go MY WAY. When was the last time I endured something without complaining, have I always blamed someone or even GOD for it, "Oh why do things have to be so hard for me?". It's time to look at myself and try to be the best that I can be. Let's start spreading love to ourself and others around us. Show care to others, kindness, even a simple smile can do wonders, don't hold yourself back especially on things that are priceless, live as much as you can while giving away then it will come back tenfold. And maybe just maybe life will have more meaning and substance. 

Картинка №118

Author: Me.
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