Галагазета | Jealousy
[Maro], 22 мая 2013 г., 2:14
"I am jealous"! A common sentence between couples, we may hear that a lot but have we ever stopped to think what it really means.

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Generally the word "jealousy" is defined by "an emotion which refers to the negative thoughts and feelings of insecurity, fear, and anxiety over an anticipated loss of something that the person values, particularly in reference to a human connection, and it consists of a combination of presenting emotions such as anger, inadequacy, helplessness and disgust.

There is more than only one type of jealousy, as it can be divided into romantic or sexual jealousy depending on gender.

Romantic jealousy:
For males; they are jealous when they feel that their woman might be cheating on them with another man, due to some personal factors or history some men may become crazy jealous,that it may lead to a break up.
 For females; girls are often suspicious, they would do a complete investigation if they saw another girl near their man.

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Sexual Jealousy:
Sexual jealousy is found in human nature; as humans we may be triggered when a person's significant other displays a sexual interest in another person. It is based on a sexual partner's suspected or imminent sexual infidelity. Manifestations of sexual jealousy differ across cultures. For example, in one culture, an involved woman flirting with, dancing with or kissing another man may be considered infidelity, whereas in another culture such behavior would be considered acceptable. Psychologists describe various forms of sexual jealousy, including pathological jealousy, erotic jealousy, morbid jealousy, conjugal paranoia, jealous monomania, and psychotic/non-psychotic and obsessive jealousy.

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Jealousy due to gender:
In some cultures,parents love their boy more than his sister or vice versa. This may lead to change in the behaviour of the kid who feels unwanted,some girls start to talk and act like boys, only to feel they are the same as their more loved sibling.

Where does the word jealousy originate from?

The word stems from the French jalousie, formed from jaloux (jealous), and further from Low Latin zelosus (full of zeal), in turn from the Greek word (zelos).

Some people also mix between jealousy and envy,for they can be alike in many things, but still a big difference is found.

Jealousy involves:
Fear of loss.
Suspicion of or anger about a perceived betrayal.
Low self-esteem and sadness over perceived loss.
Uncertainty and loneliness.
Fear of losing an important person to another.

Whereas envy involves:
Feelings of inferiority.
Resentment of circumstances.
Ill will towards envied person often accompanied by guilt about these feelings.
Motivation to improve.
Desire to possess the attractive rival's qualities.
Disapproval of feelings.

There may be more and more about jealousy, that I couldn't write here, but it is an interesting subject. I hope you like it.
Wish you all can have a life without any bad types of jealousy!

Author: Me
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