Галагазета | Relationship Rehabilitation Center
Relationship ≠ Rehabilitation Center
Zyra`, 25 ноября 2019 г., 13:31
I've observed a lot of individuals who believe in the saying, "If they love you, they will accept all of you." I neither fully support nor oppose this statement. As a partner, yes, you should accept their flaws and imperfections; BUT it is not compulsory.

"But this is me! They should take me for what I am!"

Right, but what about those traits which are toxic and really unhealthy for the both of you and your relationship? It's not your partner's responsibility to "fix" you and understand every single mistake you do. 

This is one of the reasons why a lot of couples have toxic relationship and end up miserable. Some have the courage to cheat and/or repeat the same mistakes over and over because of the belief that accepting and forgiving them no matter what is a sign of true love. Relationship is not an ownership. There are two persons (yes, you) in it, you should help each other grow; not let the other one take care of all the mess you make. 

"Okay, I get your point. But what should I do?"

If you know you have an unhealthy trait, again, don't wait for your partner to fix you; you fix yourself. Don't ignore their worth or take them for granted. Your partner can and will help you, but only you can heal yourself fully. This is not just for your partner and your relationship, you will do yourself a favor.

If you're the one who endures those unhealthy traits, I know perfectly that it's not easy. Be there for him/her, but learn how to draw a line. You might have partners that will blame you for their mistakes and force you to accept all of them. Never let anyone ignore your worth and break you. 

Moral lesson? Love yourself. Never depend on someone else to do that for you.

Hi guys! I know this article might stir some argument, because we have different views in life. I'm open for your comments and critizations. Thanks and have a good day!
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