Галагазета | Action Matters more than Intentions!
Action Matters more than Intentions!
Adhithiyan, 14 марта 2018 г., 8:26
''It's not who we are Underneath, what we do that defines us''

Remember this Epic dialogue from Batman Begins, When Bruce Wayne is leaving the Restaurant with two supermodels..?? it's all part of his act to maintain Playboy image so nobody suspect him as ''Batman''. On his way out, he runs across his childhood friend Rachel Dawes, who looks at him condescendingly as Bruce tries to defend himself. ''It’s not who I am underneath.'' Rachel’s response is pointed: ''Deep down you may still be that same great kid you used to be. But it’s not who you are underneath, it’s what you do that defines you.''

We often go through life with the best of intentions. One day, we say to ourselves, we’re going to start going to the gym and become a great athlete. One day, we’re going to finish that book. But for whatever reason, we get distracted by the present and lose our focus on the future. We never do go the gym. We never do write that book.

In organizations as a leader, we often have the best of intentions for our team. The right hand man that you rely on? You do plan on giving him more responsibility and training. That awesome clerk you hired a year ago? She’s efficient and way overqualified for her work. You plan on expanding her responsibilities and getting her a promotion. That engineer with a great new idea – you’re definitely going to talk to your boss about getting some R&D money to develop it.

Then things happen. You’ve got to get that quarterly spreadsheet in. You have a dozen conference calls to attend. You have to do a presentation for your customers. All of it gets in the way, and the next thing you know, your right hand man isn’t working nearly as hard as he used to. That awesome clerk? She moved on to a better paying position in another company. Your engineer? His VC sister-in-law got him some capital and he started his own company. And now you’ve been stuck in the same job for ten years when you had sworn you’d be running the place by now.

But nobody remembers what you meant to do. They only remember what you do.

Inspired from the movie Batman Begins.
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