Галагазета | 8 Truths of Life.
8 Truths of Life.
Adhithiyan, 31 марта 2018 г., 8:43
8 Truths of Life:

1. Nobody is real in this world, except Parents.

2. A poor person has no Friends.

3. People do not like good Thoughts, but they like good looks.

4. People respect money, not the person.

5. The person you love the most will hurt you the most.

6. Truth is simple, but the moment you try to explain it, it becomes difficult.

7. When you are Happy, you enjoy the "Music". But, when you are sad, you understand the "Lyrics".

8. In life two things defines you, i.e "Your Patience" when you have nothing left and "Your Attitude" when you have everything.

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