Галагазета | No Exception to Cheaters
No Exception to Cheaters
g748747578, 5 октября 2017 г., 7:43
As I stayed at the trading planet, I'm not expecting to have a Ridiculous experience, this was happen a couple of days ago. There is one guy who caught my attention causing me to entertain him and ask him what does he need. He put a status "Need 40 escapes for 6 rbb". Seems profitable so many users offer him including me, yeah of course! Who is the person who will refuse the profit? I guess no one. 

Moving forward, I gave him escapes. Just some escapes but the issue here is the serious case of fraud, no matter how big or little the amount. He suddenly went offline! Hilarious. I reported him to one of the supervisors of the trading planet and found out that he is a cheater. I came to my planet to talk to support system if what they can do about it when an unfamiliar user, having a candidate for mentor privilege came to my planet, asking me if what is the main character of that cheater because he also got cheated and stolen his 40 escapes by him. I told him and then he went out of my planet.

I admit, I got upset to support system's reply telling me that they do not support any trading event here in galaxy but at some point, they are right. Everything we do here without their prior knowledge and support is on at our own risk. Who can tell that a privilege users namely Candidate for Mentor and Reporter will be a victim of cheaters? We don't know and Maybe you're next. 

So please Galaxian be aware, trust no one because there is no Exception to cheaters!
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