Галагазета | Is COD Losing?
Is COD Losing?
Netflix, 2 июня 2016 г., 11:48
We all saw the new trailer for both Call of Duty and Battlefield. 
But what has surprised us the most was the Dislike and Like buttons. As Infinite Warfare probably broke the world's record for the most hated video on YouTube. 
And on the other hand Battlefield got all Call of Duty's dislikes as likes on their video, as they have almost gathered two million likes, there are 1,787,837 likes at the time of writing, and only 32,202 dislikes. For Infinite Warfare, things are really really bad, with only 431,638 likes to 2,730,985 dislikes!!!
 Should we really blame the gamers or COD? 

Well here's a few reasons why battlefield took the lead here: 

1. Battlefield Listens: 
 Many of Battlefield followers on Twitter kept asking them to make the new Battlefield a World War I game or a World War II. They actually listened and made it a WW I game, which made all of its followers happy. 
On the other hand COD, did the opposite. Instead of listening to its followers they decided to make the same mistakes they did with older COD following Black Ops two, The future nonsense. 

2. Buy One Get One: 
 Just as Battlefield players were happy and excited about the new game, many were excited to play the Modern Warfare 'Remastered' edition. But unfortunately in order for you to play the game you have to buy Infinite Warfare.

3. DLC: 
 We all know that Call of Duty games after BO2 just became a copy paste from BO2, with just new guns and new maps.

Will we miss COD? Yes we will. But it's time to change things and move on to better games. COD had it chance(s) to fix their issues, yet they didn't.
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