Галагазета | Why do we Love Violent Video Games
Why do we Love Violent Video Games
g535242429, 21 июня 2016 г., 11:02
My parents didn't care much for what games I played as a child and so I was able to get anything no matter how much gore it contained. My first memorable experience with video game  violence a 2000 first-person shooter Soldier of Fortune. I remember how much fun it was to dismember enemy thugs with your shotgun. There were also Mortal Kombat, Manhunt, GTA and numerous other. But the question is, why do we enjoy the punch of blowing an enemy's head off? Why does it bring a smile to our face when we rip out their spine or watch the flesh melt off their bones? Well, I've been thinking about it and here's what I think.

Firstly, there's curiosity. Video games are games, with their own rules confines and possibilities and testing out all of those is part of the fun. It's basically like a child who will hit or even break his toy to see what it can do or what it's made of. This is also the reason why, for example, extremely brutal fatalities in Mortal Kombat games are cool the first couple of times but then the novelty wears off and they become rather boring. Because you already know what you can do, so it's not as much fun anymore. 

Secondly, video games are unique in the way they allow player agency. It means that everything you see on the screen is the result of your direct input, which contributes to the power fantasy aspect of many video games. In them, you are the hero who mauls through the enemies leaving nothing but body parts and pools of blood behind. Who doesn't want that? And violence is a necessary part of that fantasy. Look at the recent DOOM game. How would you get into the skin of a powerful space marine if you weren't able to break a few demonic jaws?

Finally, violence is often necessary. Video games are as much art as, say, films, and we should be talking about freedom of expression here. Nobody demonizes Tarantino for violence in his movies, it's just his way of expressing whatever he wants to express. The same goes for video games and game designers. They are artists with their own vision and if they feel that violence is necessary for their art to work, than it is really so. 

In conclusion, it has to be said that violence can add to the game experience, but of course it's not always done well and tasteful. Remember, it's ok to enjoy gory video games as long as you approach them with a critical mind and don't allow the developers to capitalize on your childish (in the best sense of the word) love for violence. Make sure there's a point to it and a good game beyond just gore. The example of the opposite would be the game Hatred, which has a lot of meaningless violence but is simply no fun and relies on controversy for its marketing as opposed to real artistic value. We as gamers shouldn't allow that kind of marketing to lure us in. 
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