Галагазета | The Oldest Man
The Oldest Man
[Minx], 11 сентября 2013 г., 9:34
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If the accounts in Bolivias Public Records are accurate, Mr Carmelo Flores Laura is the oldest man alive at the age of 123 years old.

Carmelo Flores is currently living in Aymara near lake Titica, Bolivia. He is illiterate, uses Spanish as his native language, is toothless but still can talk clearly. He can still walk without using a cane, and can still see without glasses.

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Guiness World Records says that the oldest woman alive is a Japanese woman named Misao Okawa, 115 years old. And the verified oldest man is Salustiano Sanchez Blazquez, who lives in western New York state. The oldest verified age was 122 years and 164 days named Jeanne Calment of France, who died in 1997. Guiness World Record spokesman said that they were not aware of this claim and investigations are starting right away.

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Carmelos' memory is dim but he can still faintly remember being in the Chaco war with Paraguay in the year 1933

Carmelo said that the reason why he lives this long is because he walks alot and he doesn't eat noodles or rice and only eats barley. He eats a lot of potatoes, beans and oca. He also said that he doesn't drink.  He loves pork but it is hard to find in their village.

Carmelo's wife died around 20 years ago, and among his three children only Cecilo, 67 years old, was the only one that is still alive. Carmelo has 40 grandchildren and 19 great-grandchildren.

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Source: www.kjrh.com/dpp/news/carmelo-flores-laura-of-bolivia-born-in-1890-may-be-the-oldest-living-person-ever-document-at-123
Author: Me.
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