Галагазета | Make your body your Outfit
Make your body your Outfit
Attitude, 22 апреля 2019 г., 12:23
An article for a better you!
Gym which are full house in January,
Becomes empty rooms by February.
Annual gym memberships long forgotten,
Diet plans and recipes stuck on wall, just lost and totally rotten.
Hope of being a fitter you, given up to the greed for pizzas and pastas being eaten.

What is workout and fitness for you?
A new year resolution?
A break up rehabilitation?
Okay being bullied? This would be a solution?
A way of taking off your frustration?
How about being just a better you? A motivation...!

Why isn’t this happening then?
You aren’t doomed to stay fat.. are you?

So here is something I believe...
If you aren’t fair, you got no fault
If you aren’t tall, you aren’t the one to be blamed
If you aren’t cute, it’s definitely alright mate
But, if you aren’t fit, it’s just you to be blamed and no one else.

Just remember, the excuses are infinite and tomorrow is never gonna come
Start today, persist, and never quit
Because once you learn to quit, it becomes a habit.. 
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